kindle 3 tricks & hacks

The Kindle e-Reader is quite the device and in my first review, I brought some ideas on how to maximize its usage. The open source Calibre software and Dropbox library are still some of the best features to keep all of your book library in sync on many computers (and on any platform). In short, […]

d.i.y. soft synth with midi controller in processing

Following up on last week’s post about mO, we’ll take it a notch further today by adding a MIDI controller to our code. You will need: MIDI controller that works with your computer Processing on mac, windows or linux. your sound setup with processing the midiBus library Beads audio library controlP5 library The beauty of […]

programing audio ~ d.i.y. simple soft synth

Learning electronic music has been a more complex task than initially planned. I’ve been playing around with few toys like Nord Micro Modular, microKORG, KP3, TENORI-ON and Dark Energy. Although my main synth is a virtual modular synth, there were still the basics of sound that I couldn’t grasp. So I started to learn to […]

why is minecraft so darn addictive?

minecraft landscape

In short, Minecraft is pointless. You live in this generative reality (all worlds are generated randomly with some sort of algorithm). You gather wood, soil, rocks and gravel. And you do what you want, just making sure to have a shelter at night so as not to get killed by monsters. You can’t really win […]