d.i.y. soft synth with midi controller in processing

Following up on last week’s post about mO, we’ll take it a notch further today by adding a MIDI controller to our code. You will need: MIDI controller that works with your computer Processing on mac, windows or linux. your sound setup with processing the midiBus library Beads audio library controlP5 library The beauty of […]
programing audio ~ d.i.y. simple soft synth

Learning electronic music has been a more complex task than initially planned. I’ve been playing around with few toys like Nord Micro Modular, microKORG, KP3, TENORI-ON and Dark Energy. Although my main synth is a virtual modular synth, there were still the basics of sound that I couldn’t grasp. So I started to learn to […]
3D tripping
I finally took some time to test my new hardware setup. I got myself a quad core 3 GHz, 4G of RAM, with a ZOTAC NVIDIA GPU in order to do more 3D and multimedia. And last night I was able to play around ~ trying out Processing and OpenGL, creating some random code and […]
video and processing
I haven’t received my new video camera yet so I will have to delay the post about my audio mixer ~ so I decided to post some example of other project I am tinkering with. This is a small video project that I did in processing. This is only the output of the project. I […]