2nd step DIY audio mixer processing & arduino
I created my first prototype of the mixer. It’s more an experiment than a prototype from the fact that I only attached 6 knob to the arduino to start with. Here are some picture of the making of the mixer. I used a normal plastic project box to do the trick, to give it some […]
processing ~ new spaceship game!
This is my new processing self teaching project. In this project I wanted to built a mouse control spaceship that would shoot and crash if it reaches the celling or the floor. It’s not object oriented at all and the code is quite messy ~ and I won’t clean it up until I reuse to […]
diy audio mixer prototyping with arduino and processing
So here is my first step into my plan to make my own mixer. The idea is in the next few months I want to built a complete USB mixer (I say months not to get anyone hopes to high 😉 )t . This mixer will be used to play with mixxx, which by the […]
fish pond
EDIT: Just so people are aware I am using the excellent book Learning processing written by Daniel Shiffman, which I forgot to mention since this article is part of a series of article about my self taught Processing training. END OF EDIT ~ This is my second project for processing fish pond. It’s not a […]